Our Top 5 Craft CMS Plugins

July 22, 2018
Our Top 5 Craft CMS Plugins

When we start working our magic on a new project that requires Craft CMS, we have our own scaffolding that covers everything from the general config files to the base folder structure in our templates so that we have everything we need to ensure we hit the ground running.

We also have a core group of plugins that we love and use on almost every project, after much deliberation we've settled on our (in no particular order) top five Craft CMS plugins:

Super Table

This plugin enables us to take field creation to another level. Super Table gives us the ability to use any custom field in such a way that allows us to create the behaviour of having a matrix field within another matrix field. Mind. Blown.



Let's face it, not all of us are experts when it comes to the typographic niceties. This is where the Typogrify plugin steps in and applies typographic best practices to make text look beautiful for display on the web.


Contact Form

This plugin was built by the wizards over at Pixel & Tonic, the creators of Craft CMS. Almost all of our projects have required at least one contact form, this plugin enables to add as many contact forms as we like.



Craft CMS, by default, relies on your server to handle the sending of emails. This plugin hands the responsibility of sending emails over to Mailgun, an extremely reliable and powerful email service.


Amazon S3

There are many different options available to consider when deciding where to store assets, but in the majority of cases we prefer to store them using Amazon's Cloud Object Storage. This plugin allows us to do just that.


Paul Waddington
Paul Waddington